Fence Contractor

The Pros and Cons of Chain Link Fencing

Chain link fencing is one of the most affordable fence options for homeowners. However, the type you choose can impact your price significantly.

Chain Link

The metal wire in your chain link fence can be either galvanized or vinyl-coated. The former increases durability, while the latter improves appearance and protects against rust. Read on Fencing In Charlotte for more details.

Chain link fences are a cost-effective boundary solution that offer durability and security. They also have a high level of aesthetics and can be used in a variety of ways. However, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of these fencing materials before deciding on one for your home or business. This will help you to find the best option for your needs and budget.

Unlike wood or concrete, chain-link fences are made from galvanized steel wires that provide an effective barrier against intruders. While this makes them a secure choice for commercial and residential properties, they do not offer the same level of privacy as other fencing materials. However, the security of a chain-link fence can be improved by adding metal slats to prevent people from seeing through it.

The costs of installing a chain-link fence can vary significantly, depending on the size and height of the structure, as well as any additional gates and accessories. These costs can also be impacted by your location, as labor and material prices may differ by region. In addition, installation on rocky or uneven terrain can increase the cost of the project.

Once you have determined the perimeter of your property, you can calculate how much chain-link fencing you need in terms of linear feet. This will give you an idea of how much the entire project will cost, and you can make a rough estimate of the materials needed. It is also worth noting that one yard is equal to three linear feet.

Another factor that can affect the cost of a chain-link fence is the type and amount of accessories you need, such as gate locks or hinges. These add-ons can significantly increase the overall cost of a project. You should also consider the amount of labor required to install a fence, as this can significantly influence the overall cost.

To keep your chain-link fence looking its best, you should inspect it regularly for rust spots and loose fittings. You can remove rust spots by using a wire brush or applying a rust inhibitor spray. Keeping your chain-link fence clean and in good condition will help to extend its life and reduce the need for maintenance.


Chain link fencing is an excellent choice for property owners who value security and durability. Its sturdy construction deters intruders and prevents escapes by ensuring that a clear boundary is established between private and commercial properties. The fence also offers visibility, allowing homeowners to keep an eye on their surroundings.

Several factors influence the lifespan of a chain link fence, including the materials used, environmental conditions, and the quality of installation. Galvanized steel and vinyl-coated options offer resistance to rust, while different gauges (thicknesses) of wire provide strength and durability. Additionally, the chain link fence system is versatile and can be customized to meet the needs of each client. For instance, different types of slats are available to add privacy and aesthetic appeal.

The quality of the welding and weaving processes is crucial for a chain link fence to endure high amounts of stress. Advanced welding techniques make it possible to create joints that are stronger than the wire itself. This allows the fence to resist external pressures, including strong winds and physical impacts, without buckling or breaking.

Another factor that determines the lifespan of a chain link fence is the climate where it is installed. Humid and coastal areas are prone to salt air, which can accelerate corrosion and lead to shorter fence lifespans. However, choosing a chain link fence from a trusted supplier and maintaining regular maintenance can ensure that the fence is in good condition for years to come.

The longevity of a chain link fence also depends on the extent to which it is subjected to heavy foot traffic. Activities like children and pets playing on the fence or people leaning against it will cause parts to wear down faster than a less-frequently used fence. It is important to check for dents and holes in the fence regularly. If they are identified, it is best to repair them as soon as possible.


Performing routine maintenance on your chain link fence is one of the most important steps to keeping it in good condition. This prevents costly repairs or untimely replacements. Some common problems include: loose posts, rusted spots, and damaged wires. If you find a problem with your fence, it is essential to repair it as soon as possible to avoid further damage and to keep your property secure.

Inspect Your Fence Regularly

Walking around your fence on a regular basis can help you identify any areas that require attention or maintenance. This can include loose or damaged wires, rusty spots, and bent rails. These issues can be caused by weather conditions or physical impact. Inspecting your fence regularly can help you catch and address these issues before they become more serious.

To fix a bent rail, first locate where the bending originates and check surrounding areas for damage. If you cannot straighten the rail with pliers, then you will need to replace it. To do this, remove the wire ties from both ends of the damaged section of rail. Next, locate two points on either side of the bend and use linesman’s pliers to straighten the hooked end of a wire. Once the rail is straightened, cut a piece of new rail that is slightly longer than the removed section. Place the new rail over the existing section and attach it to the rest of the fence using wire ties.

The most common issue with chain link fencing is rust. Rust can damage your fence and weaken it, so it is important to clean your fence regularly and to apply a protective coating. You can use a wire brush to remove large rust flakes and a scrub brush to clean the rest of the fence. After cleaning, apply a rust converter to neutralize any remaining rust and protect your fence from further damage.

Another critical part of maintenance is to inspect the gate and make sure it opens and closes properly. It is also a good idea to apply a protective coating to your fence, especially if it will be exposed to rain, snow, or other extreme weather conditions. This will protect your fence and ensure that it looks beautiful for years to come.


When most people think of a chain link fence, they imagine an industrial security fence that is used to protect property and keep kids and pets safe. However, this type of fencing can also be a great option for residential homes and businesses. It can be easily adapted for different purposes, including landscaping and adding privacy. There are many ways to create a privacy fence from chain link mesh, from simple fabric options to more unique and decorative ideas.

One of the most popular methods is to add slats to the fence. These can be woven into the fence to block visibility and are available in a wide range of colors. These slats can be purchased from most home improvement stores or online and are relatively inexpensive. They can cost as little as $5 per linear foot for a six-foot tall fence and provide around 75% privacy blocking.

Another way to increase the privacy of a chain link fence is to use privacy tape. This is a breathable polyethylene material that can be woven into the fence to hide visibility. It can be purchased from most home improvement stores and is designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, requiring only occasional pressure cleaning. This product can be more labor-intensive to install than slats and is only suitable for fences that are at least four feet high.

A third option is to plant vines near the fence. This can take a while to become fully established, but it offers an attractive solution to increasing the privacy of a chain-link fence. It is also affordable and environmentally friendly.

Other options for chain-link fence privacy include bamboo panels and artificial or natural ivy vines. These can be woven into the fence or attached to posts. These solutions are a bit more expensive than slats, but they do offer some privacy and can blend well with natural elements on a property.

Chain link fencing can be an excellent choice for homes and businesses with a lot of outdoor space. Its versatile uses and sturdy construction make it a smart investment for most properties. It can also be easily adapted to fit any design, and it is a good choice for areas with heavy traffic or for high security applications.

Fence Contractor

How to Plan Properly for Fence Installation

A fence can add value to your property and provide a sense of security. It can also provide a beautiful landscape for your yard and garden.

Before beginning your fence project, you should know the local building codes and regulations. Failing to comply with these can lead to legal and financial consequences down the road. Contact Fence Installation Holland MI now!

Adding a fence is an important home improvement project that adds both aesthetic and functional value to your property. Proper planning will help you achieve your goals and ensure that the fence is safe, durable and meets local regulations. In addition, it will help avoid problems like zoning violations and materials shortages that can derail your project.

Start by marking the perimeter of your yard with stakes or string. Be sure to consider property lines and any buried utilities. It’s a good idea to talk with your neighbors about your plans, as well. You may find that your needs or theirs differ, and the ability to communicate will make the installation process easier for everyone involved.

Use graph paper to draw a plan for the fence layout, including post locations and gate locations. Some towns require this as part of the application for a building permit. Determine whether you will need a gate, and if so, what size it should be. You’ll also want to take into account the openings required for any existing landscaping or other structures, such as sheds and driveways.

Once you have the basic layout established, begin digging the holes for the posts. Make sure you dig deep enough, and slope the concrete away from the post to direct water away from the hole. This will prevent damage to the posts during inclement weather and extend their life.

Once the posts are in place, it’s time to install the panels. Start with one end of the fence and work toward the other, ensuring that all joints are tight and flush. If your property experiences a lot of wind, you should also consider its direction when installing the panels and adding spaces to account for the gusts.

Select Your Materials

The type of fence you choose will have a significant impact on your home’s aesthetic and functionality. Whether you are handling the fence installation yourself or hiring a professional company, selecting durable, stylish materials is essential. It’s also important to consider long-term costs and maintenance requirements.

Local building codes and homeowners’ associations may set standards for the types of materials that can be used in your neighborhood. Contact these governing groups before you begin your fencing project to make sure your fence meets specifications. Failure to do so could result in hefty fines or even the requirement to take down the entire fence.

Fence prices vary widely, depending on the type of material and style you choose. Steel chain link is usually the least expensive option, followed by aluminum and vinyl. Wood is another popular choice, and it can be crafted in many different styles, including lattice patterns, picket designs, and horizontal slat fence panels. Cedar and fir are the most common wood varieties, but you can also select more exotic hardwoods like redwood and teak for your fence.

Before you begin working on your fence, it’s best to clean up the yard to remove any debris that might interfere with the installation process. It’s also a good idea to locate and mark any buried utility lines that might be affected by the fence. This will ensure that you or the professionals you hire aren’t digging into any buried wires, which would be dangerous for everyone involved. Once the site is clear, prepare for the actual fence installation by creating a mound around each post location. This will help to guide rain and snow melt away from the posts, ensuring that they remain stable after being installed.

Get Permits

Homeowners install fences for many reasons, including adding aesthetics to the landscape, securing pets and children, keeping wild animals away from the property and even preventing trespassing. However, not everyone knows that a building permit is required to build any outdoor structure, including a fence. This requirement is often tied to local zoning laws, which dictate how far the fence can be set back from property lines and what type of materials are allowed.

Some towns have a permit process that requires detailed plans and specifications for the fence, as well as fees and inspections during or after construction. Others may require you to have a professional survey done to locate the exact property line and ensure that your new fence doesn’t encroach on a neighboring landowner. In addition, if your home is located in a historic district or a homeowner’s association (HOA), you may have to obtain additional approval and/or permits.

The good news is that you can avoid the hassle of navigating a complex permitting process by hiring a professional fence company. Most fence companies will obtain the permits for you as part of your estimate. This saves you time and gives you peace of mind that your fence is built in accordance with all local regulations.

In some areas, if you don’t obtain the necessary permits, you could face fines or have to remove your fence when it becomes a nuisance to the community. You should also keep in mind that if you ever decide to sell your home, unpermitted fences are likely to be a major hurdle in the home inspection and sale process. If you are unsure whether you need permits, check with your local government office or visit their website for more information.

Dig Post Holes

Digging post holes is perhaps the most important part of any fence installation project. This is because the posts are the foundation for the entire fence, and they need to be set properly in order to be stable and last a long time. Post hole requirements can vary depending on several factors, including local soil conditions and frost line depth.

A professional fence installer will know how to work with these factors to get the best results from the job. They also understand that different seasons can affect digging conditions and how to deal with rocky or sandy soil, for example. A good fence installer will also know how to avoid hitting any underground utilities, which can be a major problem that could result in expensive repairs down the road.

Before digging any holes, it’s a good idea to make a blueprint of the area you want to fence in. Luckily, there are a number of smartphone apps that can help you do this with ease. Then, using stakes, mark out the locations of your post holes. This will save you time, and prevent any accidental mistakes that can cost you a lot of money to correct down the road.

When marking the location of the first corner posts, take into account any trees, bushes or other permanent obstructions you’ll need to work around. Also, check the plat map of your property to make sure you’re not building on someone else’s land by mistake. If you are, this could lead to legal troubles. Finally, locate any utility lines that may be in the path of your fence, and have them marked before digging any holes.

Install the Fence

This step of the process is where your fence begins to take shape. You will either install pre-fabricated panels or you will install rails and pickets. Whether you’re using panels or individual pieces, it is important to follow your building plan closely so that your final product looks its best.

Once you have a good idea of the layout, mark the locations of your end and corner posts with stakes. This will help you to keep track of where the posts are as you work and will make it easier to set the fence gate when it is finished. Then dig the post holes, which should be about twice the size of the fence post and one-third of its height. It’s a good idea to use a power auger for this part of the job as it will save you a lot of time and energy.

After digging the hole, it’s a good idea to add a 3-inch layer of gravel (pea-sized landscaping gravel is ideal) to the bottom of each hole to reduce moisture retention. This will also help the soil to be more easily compacted, which is essential for long-lasting posts.

Next, seat the first corner or end post and then install the first side of the fence rail. Make sure the rail is straight and plumb by checking it with a carpenter’s level on at least two sides of the fence. Finally, top off the hole with 6 to 8 inches of soil and tamp it to ensure it’s compacted.

Repeat this process with the remaining side rails and then install the gate. Once the gate is complete, it’s a good idea to place diagonal bracing on the gate to prevent sagging over time. It’s also a good idea to stain the posts and fence panels at this point, if you choose to do so.